This section includes details of related quality improvement projects and initiatives.

Pathfinder Hypertension

CESEL led a cross London collaboration looking at data reporting, to improve hypertension outcomes and reduce inequalities.

Patient engagement final report

Evaluation report






Vital 5

The Vital 5 initiative advocates for people, communities and organisations to make improvements in/to five factors that have a major impact on health at an individual and population level.

CESEL have partnered with the Population Health & Equity Programme to create a Vital 5 Guide, currently being designed and due to be published in June 2024.

The guide is designed to enhance how the workforce (clinical or non-clinical) can effectively check Vital 5 status and help to support people to stay healthier.

CVD inequalites

Funding and support has been made available to general practice teams, to help identify and implement quality improvement priorities.  Details of the scheme can be found here.

South East London Integrated Care System

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