Celebrating outstanding achievements at the One Bromley Recognition Awards

22 May 2024

Staff from across Bromley’s health, care, and voluntary services came together to celebrate teamwork, collaboration, and partnership at the One Bromley Recognition Awards 2024. Held on 16 May, the awards recognise exceptional staff and teams whose dedication, compassion and resilience are inspiring.

Dr Andrew Parson, Clinical Lead for the One Bromley Local Care Partnership, and compere for the evening highlighted the significance of the awards. “Our One Bromley Recognition Awards are a fantastic way to celebrate our staff and our partnership working.  When we work together, we can achieve great things and find our greatest successes.  From providing joined up day to day care, to reducing health inequalities to championing innovation and delivering new and improved ways of working.  Whilst the awards applaud the achievements of our winners, we continue, across our local care partnership to foster a culture of collaboration, partnership, and inclusivity, where every voice is heard, every contribution is valued, and every individual is empowered to make a difference”.

The Mayor of Bromley, Councillor David Jeffreys and the Mayoress attended the awards to express their gratitude to the staff working across Bromley to improve health and wellbeing. The Mayor commented: “I am immensely proud of Bromley’s great partnership work, which together helps promote good health and wellbeing across the borough. Remarkable progress is being made by improving the way residents can find and use health and care services, resulting in a more inclusive and equitable healthcare system for all our residents.”

The One Bromley Recognition Awards celebrate not only achievements but also the spirit of collaboration and partnership that drives continuous improvement of health and care services in the borough. The awards are a reminder of the incredible impact working together has on the community’s health and wellbeing.

Thanks to Professional Services Technology Group (PSTG) for supporting the awards.

And the winners are…

Referral Optimisation Protocol – an innovative digital tool which improves clinical referrals.  It brings together in one place all the information busy GPs need to help manage demand, reduce referrals, and improve referral quality.  Everything is managed centrally ensuring all Bromley GPs have access to the same up to date information, pathways, and processes.

One Bromley Homeless Project – supports some of our most vulnerable people, who often suffer with complex and many physical and mental health needs.  First set up as a winter healthcare clinic, services are now provided all year round.  The very bespoke and personalised support on offer has resulted in a 100% satisfaction rating from clients.  Nationally recognised on several occasions, the service leads the way across south east London on supporting the homeless.

Bromley Care Home Multi-disciplinary Team Intervention Programme – provides improved holistic care to frail, older people in care homes, which reduces the reliance on hospital or ambulance services.  Personalised and timely care is delivered to care home residents through a specialist multi-professional team who are making many improvements including more individualised care plans, earlier diagnoses, earlier treatment, and more use of community pathways.

One Bromley Learning Disability Taskforce Team – focuses on the proactive care of people with learning disabilities, increasing the number having health checks and improving the quality of the checks.

One Bromley Adult Hospital at Home service – enables adults to be treated at home rather than in hospital.  Care is delivered by an integrated team of healthcare staff.  Co-designed with patients this innovative service works collaboratively with families and uses new technology to remotely monitor patients.  It releases hospital beds, provides excellent patient experience and is leading the way with its collaborative approach.

The One Bromley Cadets Programme – offers opportunities for young people to get valuable insight into a range of health and care careers through first-hand experience.  The programme prioritises local students who are more likely to experience inequalities and find it harder to get work experience.

Enhanced care team – an integrated team which enables vulnerable patients to leave hospital safely and quickly to continue their recovery at home. The team provides a high level of care and support to help avoid discharge to care homes.

Know your numbers blood pressure awareness campaign – a collaborative campaign that aimed to find people with undiagnosed hypertension, test them and signpost onto services.  748 people were tested, an increase of 47.8% on last year.

Orpington Wellbeing Café – this community initiative reduces isolation and health inequalities in older people.  Provided by a range of Bromley services, it brings people together in a welcoming and safe space, offers health information advice, routine health checks, advice and signposting.

One Bromley Community Health Champions Programme – volunteers working with Bromley services to share information, encourage healthy lifestyles and signpost people to the right services.  Champions help to reach the seldom heard and co-design information resources to meet the needs of Bromley people and communities.

Bromley Children’s Health Integrated Partnership – a new way of providing care in the community for children and young people.  Avoiding long waits for hospital appointments, children are assessed and triaged by a multi-disciplinary team who offer care locally where needed.  75% of children have avoided onward referral and are seen around 20 weeks faster.

One Bromley Recruitment Campaign – to help recruit a workforce fit for now and for the future.  Delivered through the voices of staff from a wide range of services, the campaign promoted the many varied career opportunities available across Bromley services.

One Bromley Winter Illness Hubs – a service put in place to help manage winter pressures by offering more options for same day urgent care.  The service helped to reduce the pressure in primary care and the urgent treatment centres by offering more same day GP appointments over the winter period.