In your area

NHS South East London is committed to joining up neighbourhood health services to support people of all ages to live healthy, active and independent lives for as long as possible.

Integrated neighbourhood teams (INTs)

Integrated neighbourhood teams bring together professionals from health, social care, and the voluntary sector to provide joined-up, community-based services.

Introducing Integrated Neighbourhood Teams in South East London

Local Care Partnerships (LCPs)

Our Local Care Partnerships bring together NHS, local authority, voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations from across the health and care system in each south east London borough. By planning and co-ordinating services more effectively, every Local Care Partnership delivers a more integrated health, care and wellbeing system for local people like you.

Bexley Wellbeing Partnership

Bexley Wellbeing Partnership has embarked on a journey to transform health and care services through Local Care Networks with partners from across the health and care system.

Click here for Bexley
View of Bromley landmark

One Bromley

One Bromley place based Local Care Partnership brings together health, care and voluntary services to provide more joined up, proactive and personalised care for Bromley residents.

Working together in a joined-up way means we can coordinate services better. This will help Bromley residents to get the help they need when they need it.

Click here for Bromley

Healthier Greenwich Partnership

Healthier Greenwich Partnership formally reports into the Greenwich Health and Wellbeing Board and brings together partners from the NHS, local council, social care, and the community and voluntary sector.

Click here for Greenwich
Brixton market, in Lambeth

Lambeth Together

Lambeth Together is a partnership of the NHS, local authority, the voluntary sector and others, focused on improving health and wellbeing in Lambeth and reducing inequalities through an integrated health and care system.

Click here for Lambeth

Lewisham Health and Care Partnership

Lewisham Health and Care Partnership aims to achieve a sustainable and accessible health and care system, to support people to maintain and improve their physical and mental wellbeing, to live independently and have access to high-quality care, when they need it.

Click here for Lewisham

Partnership Southwark

Partnership Southwark are working with service users, carers and local communities to better join up services and support, tackle the causes of inequality and improve the health and wellbeing of Southwark residents.

Click here for Southwark