Get healthy at Lewisham People’s Day in Mountsfield Park

Lewisham residents will be able to enjoy all the fun of the fair at Lewisham People’s Day in Catford’s Mountsfield Park on Saturday 16 July – and have the opportunity to improve their health and wellbeing.

13 Jul 2022

Pretty pavement art in Mountsfield Park - butterflies, flowers and the Lewisham Council logo

Lewisham residents will be able to enjoy all the fun of the fair at Lewisham People’s Day in Catford’s Mountsfield Park on Saturday 16 July – and have the opportunity to improve their health and wellbeing.

A vaccination tent will be present, enabling those who haven’t already received a COVID-19 jab or booster to get protection against the virus.

There will be advice and information on hand from Lewisham Health and Care Partnership, including Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust and the Public Health Team at Lewisham Council. The tents will all be situated in the ‘Health and Wellbeing’ (Red) area of Mountsfield Park.

Anyone seeking advice about quitting smoking, sexual health, cancer awareness, vitamin D or self-care will be able to speak to health professionals, including pharmacists and those from the Council’s Public Health team.

Red Ribbon Living Well will be present on the day. Red Ribbon is a volunteer-led community organisation for individuals affected and living with HIV, mental health, COVID-19 and other complex illnesses. Representatives from the organisation will be talking about the prevention of and living well with HIV. The 360° Lifestyle Support Network will also be on hand to talk about living with diabetes.

There will be free children’s crafts table where young people will be able to help to make bunting with climate change and environmental messages to be exhibited in the ‘We Are Lewisham’ shop in Lewisham Shopping Centre.

For those who are feeling fit, a fun ‘smoothie’ bike will be available. Smoothie bikes are stationary bicycles that harness the cyclist’s pedalling energy to mechanically power a blender. Fruit and pure fruit juice goes into the blender jug and after 30 seconds of pedalling the cyclist is rewarded with a nutritious drink.

Lewisham People’s Day 2022 is the first one to be held for four years, and the organisers believe that this year’s event will be as popular as ever.

Chair of the Strategic Board of Lewisham Health and Care Partners, Dr Jacky McLeod, said: “It’s wonderful that Lewisham People’s Day has returned this year, especially as Lewisham has been recognised as London Borough of Culture.

“As someone who grew up in Lewisham, People’s Day has been a longstanding tradition, a fun day for friends and families and a cultural celebration for the whole community.”

She added: “As Health and Care Partners we are passionate about the health and wellbeing of the people of Lewisham. That’s why we feel it’s so important for us to have a visible presence at Lewisham People’s Day.

“We want to be available for conversations about living well and the everyday opportunities that can make a difference, like healthy lifestyle tips, having your 40+ NHS health check or booking that appointment when you receive a cancer screening invitation letter

“Do stop by the Lewisham Health and Care Partners’ tent and find out more.”

People’s Day is south east London’s longest-running outdoor free festival. The event will feature a unique mix of artists celebrating the very best of Lewisham, including music, art and food from all over the world.

Lewisham Health and Care Partnership aims to achieve a sustainable and accessible health and care system, to support people to maintain and improve their physical and mental wellbeing, to live independently and have access to high-quality care, when they need it.

Key partners include Healthwatch Lewisham, Lewisham Council, South London and Maudsley NHS Trust, One Health Lewisham, and Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust.

Image source: Pretty pavement art in Mountsfield Park by clogsilk on Flikr is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0