This Governance Handbook contains key documents which form NHS South East London Integrated Care Board’s corporate governance framework. This handbook should also be read alongside the NHS South East London Integrated Care Board (ICB) constitution. Download the Governance Handbook Introduction for a more detailed explanation of what this handbook contains.
Healthier Greenwich Partnership LCP Committee
SEL ICB Quality and Performance Committee
SEL ICB Remuneration Committee
Lambeth Together LCP Committee
Partnership Southwark LCP Committee
SEL ICB Charitable Funds Committee
SEL ICB Clinical and Care Professional Committee
NHS SEL ICB Anti-Fraud Bribery and Corruption policy
NHS SEL ICB Individual Funding Requests (IFR) Policy
NHS SEL ICB Persistent and Unreasonable Contacts policy
NHS SEL ICB Public Access and Information Re-Use Policy
NHS SEL ICB Risk Management Framework and Risk Appetite Statement
NHS SEL ICB Safeguarding Governance Framework
NHS SEL ICB Standards of Business Conduct policy
NHS SEL ICB Statement of Organisation Transfer
NHS SEL ICB Sustainability Policy
NHS SEL ICB Treatment Access Policy
NHS SEL ICB Violence and Aggression policy
NHS SEL ICB Whistleblowing policy