Dr Clive Anggiansah 

Governing Body Clinical Lead

GP Partner in Bexley


My journey

This leadership role is primarily to facilitate the clinical vision for primary care and community care in Bexley. By working with key stakeholders, the role leads on transformation of primary care and community care systems of healthcare at Practice, Primary Care Network (PCN), Place and South East London levels for Bexley. There is a focus on reducing health inequalities, promoting improvement, innovation, addressing variation with an emphasis on patient safety and quality.

The Fuller Report integrated community care workstream has started with a strategic approach to patient-centred care. This role contributes to Local Care Network (LCNs) and PCN development while supporting digital, workforce and estates Bexley wide workstreams.

In the last 8 months I have co-chaired the Primary Care Development Group with the associated PCDG Transformation sub-group. Through this formal committee, decisions about Primary Care in Bexley are endorsed to then be approved by the Bexley Wellbeing Partnership. The Transformation subgroup is a developmental space to discuss the direction of Primary Care in Bexley focusing on the key enablers, digital, estates and workforce. I have supported the Bexley PCN Enhanced Access programme including representing Bexley General Practice at the Health Service Development Scrutiny committee and supporting the resident communication and engagement work through a Bexley wide SMS survey campaign.

I represent Bexley Primary Care at South East London level at the Primary Care Leads Group through which General Practice can work with system partners in a collaborative, influential and positive way for the interests of patients and Primary Care. Current workstreams include improving the primary / secondary care interface, working with the Community Provider Network, PCN maturity support, working to secure the AccuRx platform for another year and the move to a single funded Online Consultation tool. I also represent Bexley at the CESEL steering group which sets direction on disease guides, funding bids, programme performance and funding streams. CESEL is still a programme in its infancy but has already brought PCNs together to share best practice, improve patient outcome and practice performance by reducing variability. The SEL Clinical and Care Professional Leadership steering group is a new committee that will shape the next generation of leaders in our systems that will draw from a wide multidisciplinary pool of talent to deliver outcomes for our patients.

A key work stream of the Bexley role is the rollout of Edenbridge Apex as a Business Intelligence tool for General Practice. I have supported this work that gives practices detailed knowledge about their capacity, access and performance from their EMIS systems. This will allow practices to better articulate their pressures and use the population health opportunities of the tool. I hope all EMIS practices use this platform in the near term.

Other current work streams include, PMS Premium review, Fuller Report – planning and implementation, Local Care Network strategy development, Bexley Wellbeing Partnership 3 year forward plan and priorities.

I have liaised with the District Nurse teams around high frequency users in the community, Rapid Response usage, community DNAR audits and the issue of out of area patients. The plan will be to share data and engage primary care on how best to work in an integrated model over the summer.

As the clinical lead for the Flu, Covid and Polio campaigns this last year has been an unprecedented time for general practice. Despite this, I’m very proud that Bexley have again done extremely well in the Covid autumn booster campaign, flu vaccinations and outperformed every other SEL borough in polio vaccinations through combined system efforts.

More recently, through the LAS strikes, the ICB requested clinical leads repurpose ICB funded time to supporting the system and I worked LAS and Rapid Response shifts with other Clinical Lead colleagues. An extremely insightful experience.