King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust moves exits System Oversight Framework 4

NHS England moves Trust from SOF 4 to SOF 3

06 Dec 2022
NHS South East London
Provider Collaboratives

We are delighted to confirm that NHS England has approved the recommendation that King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust should transition from segment 4 to segment 3 of the NHS Oversight Framework and so no longer needs the support of the Recovery Support Programme.

Andrew Bland, Chief Executive for South East London Integrated Care Board said:

“This is a fantastic achievement that marks a positive milestone for the communities of south London. It is a tremendous demonstration of the hard work and commitment of King’s staff, working together with partners from across the South East London Integrated Care System, to improve the financial position and the quality of care to patients.  

“We recognise that there is more to be done, however we are confident that across south east London our strong partnership work will be a powerful driver to sustaining these improvements over the coming months and years for the benefit of our communities.”

NHS England’s decision demonstrates the progress that has been made to address the deep-seated and complex challenges that led to the Trust being put in Financial Special Measures five years ago.