New NHS blood donor centre opens in Brixton to inspire the local community to give lifesaving blood

23 Jan 2025

London’s newest blood donor centre has opened in the heart of Brixton, encouraging more south east London donors, especially from Black African and Caribbean backgrounds, to come forward.

Developed by NHS Blood and Transplant in collaboration with community leaders, local businesses and residents, and located on the main shopping artery, Brixton’s first-ever permanent blood donor centre has been designed to welcome the local community and make donating as easy as possible.

At the opening ceremony, Dame Elizabeth Anionwu unveiled a plaque that honours her role as sickle cell pioneer and England’s first sickle cell nurse. The B-Positive Choir of people who live with sickle cell also performed at the event alongside their friends and family.

Attending as a representative of NHS South East London and Lambeth Council, Andrew Eyres, Lambeth’s Corporate Director for Integrated Health and Care, said

“I’m delighted that Brixton has been chosen as the site for this new NHS blood donor centre. We want to make it as easy as possible for everyone to give blood. Having this new facility at the heart of our community will hopefully encourage new donors to come forward to help us save lives and address inequalities facing Black communities in particular.”

London has the highest number of Sickle Cell patients in the UK, a condition that disproportionately affects individuals of Black Caribbean and Black African heritage. To meet the needs of these patients, we urgently need over 12,000 additional blood donors of Black heritage and 250 blood donations per day.

Community focus

The new blood donor centre features artwork by local creatives and a ‘hero wall’ showcasing inspirational stories of local blood donors and residents whose lives have been saved by donations. The new centre also contains a dedicated community space to welcome and celebrate Brixton and its communities.

Meeting the need for more donors

The centre has the capacity to accommodate more than 1,000 donors a week. NHS Blood and Transplant is encouraging south Londoners to book a slot and save up to three lives with each donation.

NHS Blood and Transplant provides the blood donation service for England and the organ donation service for the UK. 1.45 million units of blood are needed each year to meet the needs of patients across England.

The need for more donors has never been greater, and blood supplies from groups O negative (the universal blood group) and B negative are particularly vulnerable to shortfalls. So, the NHS needs people with those blood groups to donate as regularly as they can.

Black donors needed to support treatment for sickle cell patients

Increased blood donations from Black communities are key to treating the increasing numbers of people with sickle cell disease, the UK’s fastest growing genetic disorder. Donors from Black Caribbean and Black African heritage are significantly more likely to have the specific ‘Ro’ blood type used to treat sickle cell – a debilitating, life-limiting condition that disproportionately affects the Black community. More than half of Black heritage blood donors (56 per cent) have the specific Ro blood type.

Sickle cell causes red blood cells to form into sickle or crescent shapes and become stuck in blood vessels, causing episodes of severe pain known as crises, as well as serious or even fatal complications, including organ damage and strokes. Many sickle cell patients rely on regular blood transfusions or full blood exchanges to proactively manage their symptoms, while others are given transfusions as an emergency treatment. A single patient receiving regular full blood exchanges can require blood from up to one hundred donors each year. To meet the needs of these patients, the NHS needs over 12,000 additional blood donors of Black heritage and 250 blood donations per day.

On hand to welcome new donors was Donor Carer Eunice Sarpong, who said, “Brixton will be great as it has great ethnic diversity – this centre will save lives and help make sure everyone gets the blood they need when they need it.”

Brixton Blood Donor Centre is located at 444 Brixton Road, London, SW9 8BH. It’s quick and easy to book an appointment to give blood at this centre. Call 0300 123 23 23 or visit