Residents given the opportunity to find out more about the creation of a new statutory integrated care system

Partners across South East London Integrated Care System – a partnership of organisations responsible for providing health and care services – recently hosted two webinars for local people to attend.

01 Apr 2022
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The webinars, which were attended by 170 people, were an opportunity for local residents to find out more about the formal establishment of the South East London Integrated Care System (ICS) and what this means for local people.

Richard Douglas, Chair Designate, South East London Integrated Care Board (ICB) said: “It was great to see so many local people from across south east London coming together to find out more about our plans for health and care services.

“There were lots of interesting questions and feedback which we have taken on board and will help inform our future plans.”

Residents heard from a range of speakers, including local authority and voluntary and community sector (VCS) representatives. Topics included examples of partnership working during the pandemic, and how ICS partners plan to engage with local people and communities.

Andrew Eyres, Strategic Director, Integrated Health and Care, Lambeth Council and NHS South East London CCG/ICS said: “It was great to have the opportunity to share our thoughts around how we can work together with local people and communities to better join up health and care at borough level, and to work in collaboration across the six boroughs in south east London, as part of a wider integrated care system.

“We’ve been developing these ways of working over a number of years and this has been accelerated during the pandemic. The new South East London Integrated Care System should in many ways feel to most people like a continuation of the progress we have made in this direction over recent years, reinforced by our new constitution as the Integrated Care System becomes a formal statutory body from July.”

Speakers also talked through the proposed governance arrangements and priorities for South East London ICS. This included the setting out of the proposed constitution for South East London ICS, where attendees were invited to share their feedback on the proposals following the event. Any feedback received would then be used to shape the constitution.

Residents fed back that they found the webinars interesting and informative. They also thought it was good to hear from a range of people from across the ICS.

Dr Catherine Mbema, Director of Public Health, London Borough of Lewisham said: “We are pleased that so many people were able to attend these sessions and learn more about our future plans.

I would encourage people to continue to look out for more opportunities to get involved. There will be plenty of opportunities to hear more about our work and share your views over the coming months.”

Dr Catherine Mbema, Director of Public Health, London Borough of Lewisham

If you were unable to attend, recordings of both sessions on 1 March and 9 March 2022 are now available on our YouTube Channel. You can also view the slides both sessions on 1 March and 9 March, which includes the a video from NHS England and Improvement on Integrated Care Systems.

There will also be plenty more opportunities to get involved and find out more about the work South East London Integrated Care System are doing.

Watch back the South East London Integrated Care System webinar