Register now for our first webinar, on 1st August, 13.00 – 13.45
There is a lot of great innovation happening in health and care in South East London. We need it. Our system has to be looking for ways to improve – to create better services, better ways of working, better outcomes for our population.
But we know that for innovation to succeed, to take root, grow and flourish, people need to hear about it. Otherwise, it will wither and fade away in isolation.
The aim of this new series of webinars is to share examples of the innovation happening across our integrated care system. To hear about innovations that you can take practical inspiration from, and share with others.
You will hear from a wide range of people doing real work, and delivering real results. This isn’t theory, it’s innovation in practice.
Register now for our first webinar
Ronny Cheung and Laura Gudefin from GSTT, along with colleagues from DK&A and the Design Thinking Academy, will be presenting on their experience of user-centred service design in healthcare. Exemplified by the ‘My Age, My Health’ project – in which design thinking techniques are being used to design an accessible, age appropriate, equitable and sustainable service for young adults in two clinical specialty areas – this presentation will explore a novel approach to supporting clinical services to use in-depth patient and staff insights to generate, prototype and test innovative solutions and design new care pathways that focus on user needs, and how that approach might be applied across the system.
The 20:20 format, with a presentation of no more than 20 minutes, and then 20 minutes for Q&A, is designed for energy and focus, and to fit into our busy days. There is, of course, no charge to attend.
The webinar is hosted by the South East London Integrated Care Board – and anyone with an interest in innovation is welcome.
Register now for our first webinar and be inspired by the power of innovation to shape a brighter future.