Theatre performance highlights issues faced by migrant women

28 Jul 2023
NHS South East London

Stronger together leaders from Creating Ground performed a short theatre piece ahead of the NHS South East London ICB meeting in public on 19 July 2023 highlighting some of the issues migrant women face with public sector services. It covered the lack of agency that migrant women may have and how they can be perceived within services as vulnerable women rather than as agents of change.

The Creating Ground collective

Creating Ground is a Greenwich based organisation working with migrant women across a number of south east London boroughs. They work with women through the use art and drama, recognising different skills and abilities, enabling women to have their power recognised and sharing learning across different communities and cultures. The performance was received well, with acknowledgement of the power of the performance and that building trust and relationships and working with communities to find solutions is key to addressing these issues.

Watch the performance below.